Friday, July 12, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday Bennett!

Dearest Benne,

You are our little prince. I find it hard to believe that you are
turning 7 today, but I can't help thinking of how proud you make me
with the way you have taken to life in China. You are creating
lasting memories, and I think it is so cool how some of your earliest
memories will be of ISB, our home in River Gardens and exploring Asia.

I love how much you like to make other people happy - that is a
wonderful trait -your teachers, friend's, and family recognize it in
everything you do.

I love our Sunday mornings together at Rugby where I get to watch you
learn, tackle and play. I also think it is cool that I get to ride
the bus to school with you everyday. These are memories that I will
never forget.

I hope that you keep writing and telling your stories. You are an
amazing story teller, and I can't wait to hear the tales of your
adventures this summer. I have never missed you more than I do right
now, and I am counting the days until I can hug you and hold you

Love Always,

