Friday, November 30, 2012

The 1%

So, as I was pulling into school this morning, a woman in a black Mercedes, pretty common ride in these parts, cut me off - another commonplace event living here in China. The difference today was that with a car full of kids, I didn't use any expletives, I just wagged my finger and said, "let me get a good look at you lady, because I never forget."

Yes, I used my outside voice, and was cut off by an eruption of laughter from behind me.

"That is a good one dad."


I proceeded to tell them that I am cursed, and most likely so is at least one of them, with this strange ability to never forget people whom I feel have done me wrong.

The bus driver who told, the coach who squeezed up 10, the guy who snubbed us in the All-Star game, the parent who made it personal, the dude who "never sent that text", the punk who lost his job to a 9th grader, the redneck who took back his donation.

Generally a group of bullies and liars.

This list, thankfully short, is fairly evenly spaced over my life, an instance every 5 years or so. With that said, I guess China has been pretty good to me since the only thing I have had to worry about is the regular dumbass in the Mercedes.

As November comes to a close and giving thanks for what you have is apropos, I am going to tell my son on the car ride home today that he should not be like his dad, and instead of remembering those who did him wrong, remember those who have been kind, generous and thoughtful.

Happy Holidays!

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